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Don't have any pics or logos or anything yet, so here's another free Wix image that I'm calling a nod to Watership Down

Who We Are

There's Actually only one of us, but we sounds better!

I have long been a lover of all things written and sung, and I have been writing in some fashion for most of my life. I figured I'd use this site as another means of doing that while also celebrating some of the great art that I encounter which inspires me. I only review art that I enjoy--a requirement that is inherently subjective and which by no means is intended to suggest that I don't also enjoy the art I don't review. There's just some stuff that crosses my path that is so wonderful and so criminally under appreciated that I figured I'd write reviews to help me unpack the content while also giving some of those artists some well written quotes that they can post on social media from what appears to be a legit publication. Lol. 

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